Press Releases for Alkaline Water

  • 778

    Tyent Alkaline Water helps to heal cancer of the stomach!!

    This Is Water received an inspiring and rather emotional testimonial recently from Kevin Francis-Smith a man from Gloucestershire diagnosed with cancer of the lower oesophagus just over 8 months ago!

    By : | 10-13-2010 | Lifestyle:Beauty | Total Views : 778

  • 415

    Drinking Water Supplier Guarantees Unlimited Lifetime Warranty on Its Units

    Wear and tear or accidental damages is inevitable but remains to be a headache. Apart from the hassles it brings, expenses could occur. However, Biokline, a Captain Water Ionizer product offers Unlimited Lifetime Warranty and optional Accidental Damage Plan on its units at no extra cost to you.

    By : | 12-01-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 415

  • 425 Releases New Alkaline Water Filters That Help Combat Toxic Chemicals

    People ingest toxins and chemicals in the bottled water they drink. It comes directly from the plastic bottle that holds the water,” says Peter Goodgold, president of

    By : | 07-04-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 425